關於物流,公司可以通過多種方式實施新技術和軟件以提高效率。 物流是計劃、運輸和存儲貨物的過程,因此它們可以盡可能快速有效地出售或使用。 通常,企業更新其物流流程的主要方式有兩種:開發內部軟件或將其外包。 幫助您決定開發一個對您的企業是否更好 物流軟件 內部或在第三方(如諮詢公司)的幫助下外包,我們在下面概述了每個選項的好處。 繼續閱讀以了解更多關於哪個是最好的物流軟件,以及您的企業在哪個選項中可能具有最顯著的投資回報率。
閱讀更多: 您需要了解的有關海運管理軟件的關鍵事項
通過內部開發,您可以從頭開始構建您的團隊。 您將根據開發產品所需的技能和專業知識來填補相關職位。 亞馬遜和 PayPal 僱傭了內部開發人員,他們以更優惠的價格提供完整的項目控制。
內部專家擅長構建您開始的項目,很快成為一個狹窄領域的專家。 它減少了錯誤,意味著支持將變得簡單有效,並且您的公司擁有保持產品獨立運行的技能。
這是一群可能與您來自同一個國家或城市並說同一種語言的專業人士。 他們都在同一家公司工作。 僱傭一個適合你的團隊,你能得到什麼? 更少的規則和限制,面對面的交流,以及更好地了解應該做什麼。
它使您可以根據公司的每一項小型技術需求,盡可能多地自定義內部工程流程。 您可以輕鬆地對開發過程進行所需的更改,以使項目適合您的業務。
軟件開發人員工作的地方往往會發生很大變化。 之所以發生這種情況,是因為對有才華的開發人員的需求很高,而其他公司往往會提供更好的工作條件。 因此,您可能會在工作中遇到麻煩並浪費時間。 尋找新的開發人員需要時間,因此您的項目進度可能會停止或放緩一段時間。
價格是決定一切的因素。 獨立開發東西比與供應商合作要昂貴得多。 總成本包括租金、稅金、軟件、硬件等。 事實上,還有一些額外的費用,例如員工培訓、病假和福利。
隨著 IT 市場的持續增長,對技術專家的需求巨大。 在某些地方,已經很難找到合適的人。 除了擁有正確的軟硬技能外,開發人員還應保持在預算範圍內,這通常具有挑戰性,因為還有很多其他業務。
正如術語所暗示的那樣,外包開發包括將創建產品的過程委託給外部機構。 這些要求通常通過合同協議傳達給外包機構。
Economical Option:
In-house software development is usually more expensive than outsourcing because in-house developers have more experience in more fields. If an unusual problem arises, you don't have to hire new IT experts to add to your team. You can reach the same goal on a smarter budget if you plan well.
Huge talent pool:
As mentioned above, the IT outsourcing market has many technical experts who are intelligent and experienced. So, the hiring process can take a few days instead of a few months. When you outsource, you can hire as many people as you want. You can choose the best engineer by looking at professionals from all over the world who have different skills and experience.
Scaling up and down is another good reason to hire a reliable vendor. What's the meaning? You can add more people to your team if you need to speed up the development process, or you can eliminate some specialists if they aren't required.
Even though geography and language are no longer a problem when outsourcing apps, the requirements are still the essential way for your company and the developers to understand each other. The vendor will make a product based on the specifications you agree on, so you must ensure you agree to the acceptance criteria.
Security risks:
A lack of trust may arise during project development due to the absence of direct interpersonal control and communication. However, it depends on the particular contractor or developer. This difficulty can be mitigated by selecting a suitable companion. Ensure that both parties agree on the manner of reporting, acknowledgement, and meeting dates.
Read more: What are the Features to Expect in Freight Forwarding System Software
Developing your software has many benefits, but it might not be the best option if you don't have the resources or expertise. Outsourcing is a good solution if you have limited expertise for a specialized project and need to work with a vendor with the right skills. The best way to choose a solution is to start by understanding your business needs and requirements. The better the software solution, the more it will help you solve problems, grow revenues, and reduce costs.